
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What is L-Glutamine?

What is the first thing that comes up to mind, when you say L-Glutamine?  For some, it may be a recovery element used in protein powders. For others, A great way to get energy. either way, athletes know to an extent, what this dietary supplement is capable of. Here are a few effects of taking this AWESOME supplement


Do you like dealing with the pains associated after working out? Maybe you haven't squatted in months and your legs feel like they are bursting in agony after every gesture.Or your arms or chest hurt as a result from extraneous workouts . L-glutamine is a great product to take after working out since it dramatically increases recovery time. That not only recovers you but it also gets you back in the gym.


Say you wake up early, 5 or 6, and you feel exhausted getting out of work, school, ect. Take the
L-Glutamine and you will feel the exhaustion go away. For example, arriving at the gym, and you begin to workout, you get suddenly hit with sleepiness , the product will kick in and you will feel reimbursed by a sudden jolt of energy,


This growth hormone aids in building and strengthening muscles. L glutamine powder can raise growth hormone levels by up to 400 percent. The body's natural production of l glutamine decreases with age, muscle loss and increased body fat. Taking l Glutamine powder can rectify this decline of l glutamine, and keep levels of growth hormone steady. The benefits of l glutamine include prevention of muscle breakdown and decreased risk of over training in athletes.

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