
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What is L-Glutamine?

What is the first thing that comes up to mind, when you say L-Glutamine?  For some, it may be a recovery element used in protein powders. For others, A great way to get energy. either way, athletes know to an extent, what this dietary supplement is capable of. Here are a few effects of taking this AWESOME supplement


Do you like dealing with the pains associated after working out? Maybe you haven't squatted in months and your legs feel like they are bursting in agony after every gesture.Or your arms or chest hurt as a result from extraneous workouts . L-glutamine is a great product to take after working out since it dramatically increases recovery time. That not only recovers you but it also gets you back in the gym.


Say you wake up early, 5 or 6, and you feel exhausted getting out of work, school, ect. Take the
L-Glutamine and you will feel the exhaustion go away. For example, arriving at the gym, and you begin to workout, you get suddenly hit with sleepiness , the product will kick in and you will feel reimbursed by a sudden jolt of energy,


This growth hormone aids in building and strengthening muscles. L glutamine powder can raise growth hormone levels by up to 400 percent. The body's natural production of l glutamine decreases with age, muscle loss and increased body fat. Taking l Glutamine powder can rectify this decline of l glutamine, and keep levels of growth hormone steady. The benefits of l glutamine include prevention of muscle breakdown and decreased risk of over training in athletes.

Part 3: Gym Healthy

What If Your not feeling like Working out?

Take Pre-Workout formulas! I have taken many different pre workout formulas like N.O-Xplode, and Assault, but none of them were as good as Jack3D.
Overall, Very good PreWorkout supplement I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants more energy strength and a better pump in the gym. Not to mention the fact that I have had absolutely ZERO stomach/bowel problems that I've experienced with other products.

Become more motivated!

Things i would use to enhance my workout routine is Music. In the article,"Phys Ed: Does Music Make You Exercise Harder?" by Gretchen Reynolds explains,"In fact, it’s music’s dual ability to distract attention (a psychological effect) while simultaneously goosing the heart and the muscles (physiological impacts) that makes it so effective during everyday exercise."
Another great way to become more motivated is by working out with friends! They not only push you but they also give you reason to be stronger!

In Conclusion

Don't be that Guy(Below).

Actually get up and do something to fulfill your goals. Its easier said, then done. Sorry Omid, I had to do it.


Part 2: Gym Healthy
Say no to junk food

They are very tempting and finger licking good, but eating junk is not the answer to your weight gain query as they contain large amount of calories, bad fats and off course very little nutrition. So, a burger or a pizza or finger chips are a strict no as eating too much fast foods help weight gain through fat, not through healthy lean muscle. Also, as a healthy advice avoid consuming processed food.


                                                    Eat a balanced diet

In your quest to gain weight, one should remember to eat a balanced diet and include a variety of nutrients like proteins, starch, vitamins, minerals etcetera so that the body is not used to eating just certain foods. Also, while choosing a balanced meal, one should avoid eating foods that contain bad fats like Dalda, red meat, margarine etcetera as they are bad for the health of your heart and will only leave you more worried.

Stay hydrated!!!!!!!!

Drink plenty of water, milk, fresh juices and energy drinks to ensure you are properly hydrated. As a healthy advice drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day. But, remember not to drink water before meal and in between the meal as it may decrease your calorie intake.

Part 1: Gym Healthy

Protein is a great way to start gaining weight.  There are literally thousands of kinds of protein out their for anyone to take. But to find the right match for you is the problem. Here are the things i started to take in order to get where im at today

                                                   Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey
I would recommend Platinum Hydro Whey because I gained a lot of weight using it. In the last month, I gained about 15 pounds. Talk about gaining weight right?! 
Eat Right!

Increase calorie intake

You need to eat more than your usual calorie intake as this is the simplest way to gain those extra kilos. Eat a lot of protein rich food like beans. Then, add dairy products like eggs, fish, and meat to your platter. You can also gorge on starchy food like potato as they help in gaining weight early. But, remember to add only those many calories that are required and not too much that it converts into fat. Another important advice is try to stick to a time routine for consuming meals and you will see the difference yourself.

Snacking in between meals

It should be kept in mind especially for a person who wants to gain weight that he/she should never skip meals. Try eating every 2-3 hours. This will ensure that a consistent level is maintained and your body gets the necessary supplements without a break. You can divide your food into say 3 main meals with 3 in between small meals. One can try a handful of dry fruits, energy bars, granola, chikki and laddoo for snacks.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Do you want to learn how to gain weight? If the title of this blog caught your attention, there is a good chance you are sick and tired of not seeing the weight on the scale budge. Most likely you just got home from a buffet and still can't budge the scale. Gaining weight wont be easy so the best way to get results is by COMMITTING YOURSELF TO  WORKING HARD. Thus the picture->

What's the quickest way to get bigger and stronger?

When I first started lifting weights, back in my eighth grade year, I began benching 75 pounds. Now thats really light! But as i started pushing myself through the end of my senior year in high school, i went up to 225 Pounds at benching! And you wonder how thats possible?
It's simple: Try to set a new personal records on every lift, every week. You should always strive to either complete more reps with the same weight or use more weight for the same number of reps every time you repeat a workout. You can try adding more sets, decreasing your rest periods between sets, supersetting, etc., but none of those approaches will give you results like this method will. You'll find that your workouts are more motivating as you shatter old records week after week. 
It also prevents you from overtraining. You can't do too many sets when you're pushing yourself to the limit on each one.